Everything You Need to Know to Enter the Artificer Class

With the introduction of experience classes to the MegaCon Live Masquerades, you may be wondering: What do I need to know to enter the Artificer class? How do I know if I’m ready to enter this class? and probably a million other little questions.

Hopefully, this post can help guide you through the process of entering this experience class, from decision process through to successful application.

How do I know if I should enter the Artificer Class?

Our classes are self assigned, although in some cases our team will move someone up a class if we think it would benefit them to enter a higher class. For the Artificer class there are two qualification questions, and then we also have a series of identification questions.

To enter the Artificer class, you first need to meet the two hard requirements, or qualification questions.

  1. Are you 16 years or older?
  2. Have you made 80% or more of your cosplay?

If you meet these two hard requirements, then congratulations! You are eligible to enter the Artificer class or the Adventurer class- but how do you choose which of these two to enter? That’s where the identity questions come into play.

Guild Tip: How do I know how much of my cosplay is made? This can be a tricky thing to figure out, so we’ve written a blog post breaking down the method for calculating this. Check it out here.

For the identity questions, these aren’t requirements, but more so questions meant to help you decide which class you will be more comfortable in. You aren’t required to meet all or any of these questions like requirements, but if you’re struggling to pick a class, this is a good way to help decide.

  1. Am I interested in competing for Best in Show?
  2. Have I been crafting cosplays for 6 or more years?
  3. Have I entered competitions before and am looking for a challenge?
  4. Do I have a cosplay I want to enter at a higher level?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you should seriously consider the Artificer class!

There are two questions that can bump you immediately into the Artificer class that you should keep in mind-

  1. Have I won a major award before (1st, 2nd, Best in Show etc) that involved a pre-judged element?
  2. Do I have professional training or work experince involving costume making, sewing or other key cosplay craftsmanship skills?

If you answered yes to either of these questions, then do not qualify for Adventurer and should definitely be entering in the Artificer class.

Guild Tip: Still unsure if the Artificer class is for you, and need a little extra encouragement? Battling that imposter syndrome? Check out our Behind the Curtain blog written to help encourage you! Find it here.

Can I Enter This…?

Let’s go through some common questions about what an Artificer entry can entail!

Can I enter a previously entered cosplay?
Yes! Previously entered cosplays can enter, as long as they have not won an award before.

What if it has won an award before?
There are ways to enter cosplays that have won an award before. We allow entrants to re-enter award winning cosplays if there have been changes, modifications or updates totaling to 50% or more across the cosplay and/or performance. This could take the form of at least 50% of the cosplay being different, or an entirely new performance and 20% of the cosplay being updated/modified/changed. Or it could be a mix of performance and costume changes/updates/modifications. Remember, the performance is 30% of your score, so the maximum a new performance can account for is 30% worth of change.

My cosplay is an original design or an original character, can I enter it?
Yes! Our competition allows OC’s and original designs to enter. Our Best in Show and Best Adventurer awards are scored with a 45% weighting on accuracy OR creativity, and OC’s and original designs are scored with the creativity metric.

I want to do a cool performance with my entry, can I?
Yes! We encourage performance at our shows. Best in Show and Best Adventurer take performance into account at 30%, so please do enter our Artificer class if you’re especially excited about your performance. Keep in mind, performances must be family friendly and under 2 minutes.

I don’t have a performance in mind, can I enter?
Our Artificer class does allow walk-on performances, so you can enter as a walk-on entry if you like. If you’re interested in performing though, and don’t know where to start, check out our blogs relating to performance here.

I’ve guest judged for you in the past, or judged other competitions, can I enter?
Yes! We do allow previous guest judges, or competition judges to enter our competitions. Only active members of the Guild of Nerds are unable to compete in guild ran competitions.

I have professional experience or training, can I enter?
Yes! The Artificer class welcomes those with an education in craftsmanship/sewing/costume design or professional work experience.

What Do I Need For a Succesful Application?

Okay, we’ve convinced you to give the Artificer class a go! Yay! Now the question is, what do you need to apply?

Applying to the Masquerade is the first step to entering, and we want you to feel prepared. There are a couple important things to have ready at the time of applying.

  1. A WIP drive and Reference Photos
    • We ask that all craftsmanship entries include a shareable link to an online accessible WIP and Reference Photo drive. This is so we can better evaluate your application. You can learn more about the requirements of this drive and see a sample of one here.
  2. Performance Description
    • Be prepared to describe your performance plan. If you are entering a walk-on performance this doesn’t have to be too complex, but detail is key!
  3. Inspiration Behind Your Chosen Cosplay
    • We will also ask you to share why you chose the cosplay you did, so be ready to talk about why you picked this cosplay and share some of your passion for your entry with our review team

Those are the key things to have ready when applying, and if you get in, there’s a couple additional things you’ll need for the online pre-check.

  1. Backing Track/Audio as an MP3
    • You’ll need to submit a backing track for your performance as an MP3 that is under 2 minutes in lenght.
    • If you want to use the screen, you’ll also need to provide an MP4 for your video or background that includes your backing track
  2. Progress Book Link
    • We will ask you for the link to your progress book, accessible online with the ‘anyone can view link’ settings turned on. Learn more about progress books here.
  3. Your Pre-Judging Timeslot Prefrences
    • Pre-Judging is scheduled in 30 minute blocks, and we’ll ask for your preferences on the pre-check form.

What Else Can I do to Prepare?

Check out the rest of our blog content! We have been hard at work over the past few months to publish as much info, tips, advice and more about Cosplay Competition and Masquerades, and it’s all at your fingertips here on our website.

Remember, you got this! We can’t wait to see you enter the Artificer class.

Guild of Nerds is a cosplay events team in the UK and Ireland, who run Cosplay Masquerades and Competitions at events, as well as repair tables. We also produce educational content in the form of blogs and videos.

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