We’re so excited to be running the Cosplay Masquerades at MegaCon Live London in just a few days! Now all of the entrants have submitted their applications, it’s time to announce the judges for the weekend. We’ll be introducing one judge a day and you can meet all of them right here.
Announcing our third and final judge for the Saturday Cosplay Masquerade: Eufiemoon.

Seph, known as Eufiemoon, is now entering their eleventh year of cosplaying and entering conventions, and has spent the past six years or so honing their craft and exploring new techniques. They have developed a very broad interest in a variety of skills, but they consider foamsmithing and sewing to be their favourites. “But my absolute favourite part of making any costume is the planning,” they admit. “I love researching character designs, costume choices and their historical inspirations, and seeing how I can implement these in my own recreations. I enjoy breaking down character design in a completely new way: how many or few techniques could I use, and how simple or complex could they be? What parts will push me to learn more and refine my skills?”
“I often say cosplay is about 80% of my personality, and will often find any excuse to talk to people about it.”
Seph began entering competitions during lockdown, when judging was happening over Zoom calls. Their first in person competitions were Insomnia Gaming Festival, i70 and i71, where they won prizes for Craftsmanship, Runner Up, and Best in Show. In 2023, they made Kassandra from Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey for the Ubisoft Cosplay Competition. “I think I may have spent about 75% of my pre-judging time talking about the historical garments and techniques I recreated for the costume,” they say. “It did win me an Honourable Mention, though, so it seemed to have worked in my favour!”

They recently entered the World Cosplay Summit qualifiers and found a new love for performing on stage, something they never thought they’d have the courage to do before 2023! “My cosplay partner and I didn’t place at the WCS qualifiers, but we gained so much experience and knowledge, and I had my best experience ever competing and being judged. I’m planning to enter the UK Qualifiers for the Crown Championships of Cosplay this year to push my technical skill even further, but I now have so many other competitions I want to try out that I couldn’t even begin to name them all.”
Whether they’re working on a weeks-long build or a years-long one, Seph is a huge advocate for crafting and cosplaying at your own speed. “My best advice is to allow your passion and love for your costume and character to drive you, whether that’s during photoshoots, crafting, competing, or making TikToks! That passion shines through whatever you do, and should be the driving force behind your reason for cosplaying.