MegaCon Live Birmingham Sunday Judges’ Spotlight: The Starlight Fairy.
Announcing our first judge for the Sunday Cosplay Masquerade: The Starlight Fairy!...
Announcing our first judge for the Sunday Cosplay Masquerade: The Starlight Fairy!...
If you're umm-ing and aah-ing about whether or not to enter the Cosplay Masquerade at the next MegaCon Live event in Birmingham, we think you should! If you don't believe us, see if any of these reasons tickle your fancy... and scroll to the bottom to sign up!...
If you're thinking about, working on, or procrastinating over your MegaCon Live masquerade application, here are some blog posts to read about the process!...
‘Behind the Curtain’ is an advice column written by masquerade judges answering anonymous questions from the community. There is a form to submit your question anonymously at the footer of every column!This week’s question is answered by: Captain Amelia This is a great question! I’ve waxed lyrical on the importance of acting on feedback...
We know being on stage isn’t for everyone, so, as we’ve developed our programming for MegaCon Live London, we’ve made sure there’s plenty for cosplayers who aren’t interested in competing. So, what else is there for cosplayers to look forward to at MegaCon Live?...
Pre-judging can sound scary, but it's actually an incredibly positive environment: you made this costume, and no one else knows it or can talk about it like you. You're literally the best person for the job!...
‘Behind the Curtain’ is an advice column written by masquerade judges answering anonymous questions from the community. These columns are written with the perspective of how Guild run competitions are, and may not apply to non-Guild run contests. Our column is built on your questions, there is a form to submit your question anonymously...
The UK is a small country- it makes sense that the UK cosplay community is relatively small in size. As such, you might find yourself entering a competition that someone you know is judging (or judging someone you know). What do you do in this situation? Here’s some helpful tips for having fun and...
With the MegaCon Live Masquerades, we’re incredibly proud to be able to have a show that takes performance into account at 30% for Best in Show and Best Adventurer. With that, audio and video are both components we’re excited to be able to offer at some of the shows. If you’re new to tech...
With the new restructure of the MegaCon Live Masquerades, you’ve probably seen that progress books are now required and might be wondering what exactly is a progress book? Progress books, more frequently called a build book, are a way for you to show the judges that you’ve made your cosplay. But how do you...